Wisdom from My Dad
My dad died a little over a year ago. COVID was the final thief, but there were other elements at play, too. He was a few months short of his 91st birthday. He’d had a good life. His widow, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren miss him a lot. He was one of those people who always […]
Nothing In the House to Eat
My husband seems to panic on the weekends when there is no leftover pizza in the fridge. “But what will we have for dinner?” After several decades of marriage, he should know better. I believe in my pantry and my freezer. Here’s the list of dinner options I gave him on Saturday. Please note: these […]
Research Rabbit Hole: The Truth About Mosquitos
One of my older baseball novels (being re-released at the end of June) contains a scene that takes place on a deck, overlooking a lake in Cooperstown, New York, early one summer morning. Back when I wrote it, I failed to do all of my research. Shame on me.I guess I was so concerned with […]
My Sense of Scents
I was lucky that COVID didn’t mess with my nose. Or tastebuds. But one thing I’ve noticed over the past several years is that there are scents I cannot smell–even pre-COVID. Peonies are a great example. I love peonies. After we bought our house one late February (still winter in upstate NY), exploring the grounds […]
Beating the Febru-Wearies
Although I am a February baby, the second month of the calendar year is my least favorite month. Here is a list of things it has going for it: Only 28 days long this year Hours of daylight are gradually increasing It’s the last full month of “official” winter (vernal equinox is in March) Several […]
A Mixed Bag: 2022 Recap
I retired from my Day Job at the end of 2021, with an eye toward becoming a full-time indy author. Making my life-long dream come true was an exciting move for me. I had so many plans! I completely redid my office–except for the hardwood floors. Before (late 1980s Metropolitan Home chic): After (including new […]
Monthly Comptonplations Blog Returning January 4, 2023
After a year of being on hiatus as I rearranged my life to accommodate being a full-time author, the Comptonplations blog is returning on January 4, 2023. Stay tuned!